Latest News

With our business constantly evolving, be that keeping up with the latest technological developments, securing new accreditations & partnerships or expanding our global presence, we are constantly striving for growth, success and to be at the forefront of innovation and technology. Follow the links below to explore the details on our recent achievements, customer announcements and company updates.

A Quick Read

Cisco Webex Contact Center

Created entirely as an omnichannel cloud-based solution Cisco Webex Contact Center utilises the security and scalability of the Webex backbone, delivering 99.99% uptime for a reliable, risk-free, globally available contact centre service. With a low CapEx outlay and predictable OpEx subscription, Webex Contact Center offers a cost-effective way to differentiate your business through the excellence of service you offer to your customers.

#collaboration #cisco #contactcenter #contactcentre #webex #managedservices #cloud #cinos

Connectivity Solutions

Our Dark Fibre and optical services support wavelengths of up to 100 Gbps, enabling point to point or point to cloud connectivity. It underpins a reliable user experience for Internet, MPLS, SD-WAN and our wider range of Managed Services.

#managedservices #connectivity #fibreoptic #internet #sdwan #cinos #cloud #iot #cloudcomputing

VMware Enterprise Cloud

Our private cloud and co-location services are dedicated for your use, enabling maximum control over your cloud infrastructure performance and compliance characteristics. VMware Enterprise Cloud.

#cloud #privatecloud #managedservices #infrastructure #vmware #cinos #cloudcomputing